Sunday, January 24, 2010

Cure for the Sick I

Hi guys!

Today, I'm down with a terrible flu and I can't produce my best performance. Still, I'm going to do a short post on clearing the nose and relieving yourself from this typical syndrome, the natural way.

First I've read about chicken soup, though scientists state that it's still quite a mystery for chicken soup to be cleansing your body systems. Although it might be due to the large amount of vitamins present in the soup. The Healthier Life website cites research conducted by Dr. Stephen Rennard from the University of Nebraska and found that chicken soup acts like a natural anti-inflammatory, which probably means the soup prevents on from getting infection from bacteria and falling ill. Of course, this probably means that you'd have to expect all kinds of vegetable included in your soup to make it extra helpful, from carrots to radish, from onions to turnips. I've encountered flu so many times and yet this is the tastiest cure I've heard of.

The next type of cure seems to be quite interesting. Ginger is known to have flu and headache clearing effects. People can ingest ginger in various forms. People can eat ginger snaps or gingerbread, use it as a seasoning in different foods like sauces, or use it as a condiment. People can drink ginger ale as well. For a hot drink, purchase ginger tea or dried or fresh ginger root. Tea bags and ginger roots can steep for up to 10 minutes in hot water. Drink with honey for added flu-fighting benefits.

So this is it, the natural remedies of curing flu and next time I'll post on up about curing fever!

Patient out.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Alchemy Of Food II

Hi guys,

Due to Leonard's sharp eyes and great observation, I have found out that I have not included any earth element food into my post last time so this post is going to be all about the earth elemental food. (Also, this just saved my blog from dying)

Barley is the oldest of the Seven Sacred Grains of mankind and was cultivated in Jordan around 10,000 BC. The grain was sacred to various gods throughout India, Greece, Scandinavia, and the Middle East. Esoterically, barley is a gentle, nurturing force that stimulates the Heart Chakra and is used to ease a person’s emotional burden by turning harsh feelings into love and warding off any negativity that originates from other people. Barley grass juice is considered an effective psychological grounding agent and physical energizer. [Earth] (Woooo... Barley is a soul food!)

Blackberries or brambleberries, currants, and raspberries promote wealth and protect from evil. The protective thorniness of their deep-rooted bushes is the plant’s alchemical signature. Blackberry pies are baked for the Wiccan celebration of Lughnasadh (August 2) to protect crops and encourage a bountiful harvest, and blackberry tea is said to protect the stomach from disease. Raspberries alleviate watery complaints such as diarrhea and painful menstruation. [Earth]


Blueberries embody the esoteric principles of calm acceptance, peace, and a protected environment. For centuries, witches have eaten blueberry tarts when under psychic attack to protect themselves. [Earth] ( Blueberry cheese cake!!)

Kiwi is the small, dark-brown fruit of a subtropical vine. The hairy, egg-shaped fruit has a green pulp with a tart strawberry flavor. Kiwis are considered by some native cultures to be plant testicles, and like strawberries, are eaten to encourage physical love and zesty romance. [Earth] (Hairy egg... Hm...)

Mushrooms have been described as vegetable flesh, and like animal flesh, they are eaten to acquire strength and courage. Clinical studies show they boost the immune system and have anti-viral and anti-tumor properties. Because they appear overnight or grow from putrefying organic matter, mushrooms have many superstitions associated with them, and few ancient cultures admitted to eating them. In fact, the mushroom is one of the few foods not mentioned in the Bible. Moreover, many mushroom species are poisonous or produce psychedelic effects that were used by shamans and priests who wanted to keep them secret. [Earth] ( Mushroom Mystery...)

Peanuts provide the reality-based, aggressive energy associated with masculinity. Peanut shells have even been described as vegetable testicles. [Earth] (Weird description...)

Salt represents grounding, protection, and earthly purification. Most salt comes from the primordial sea and was used for thousands of years to preserve food. Salt has always been treated with reverence and was sacred to the Egyptian gods Osiris and Set. Salt spilt from its shaker signifies a breaking of its protective power, which is the why a pinch of salt is thrown three times over the left shoulder to dispel any evil spirits that lurk there. The alchemists saw salt as the creative female force of matter, as opposed to the destructive male principle of sulfur. In both ancient and modern religious ceremonies, salt symbolizes the resurrection of soul. It is used in baptisms to eliminate any vestiges of previous sins. [Earth] (Seems salt is a purifying material!)

So there you have it! Food with the element of earth, the element that roots the principle of stability and foundation in the alchemical world. There is just one element that cannot be found in any periodic table or any textbook. Care for a guess anyone? The answer is the element of surprise!!! XD

Pieces out! XD

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Food for Thought Episode 1

Hi guys!

This is a rather special post as this has nothing to do with food but I'd like to call this a new section of my blog, the Food for thought section. Well, this blog is dedicated to food but since I always have this dream of making a story blog, might as well make up a section for thoughts!

I've said that I would be posting up random stories (or rather storylines) that I would think up of. Some may be unreal or unoriginal but I'd still post them up anyway. Your comments would always be accepted with an open mind and open heart. Do feel free to use any of my stories for your own use, I do not really care if anyone copies me. (I don't think anyone would) =)

Anyway, this post has nothing to do with insulting or critisizing the ways of others.

So this is episode 1 of Food for thought.

Well, I've been reading this news article about Singapore's success and the political issues that this nation has, and I came across this really interesting topic whereby the author wrote this :" where the MM (minister mentor) has advocated "assortative mating", the idea that college graduates should marry only other college graduates so as to uplift the national stock"

So I was thinking, should geeks only marry other geeks? This is been proven wrong in many countries and more in movies but it hasn't really been showing so in Singapore. So this story is about this girl and a guy. Obviously if this girl is from a good school and the guy's a dropout, it would seem too boring. So it's the other way around I've been giving much thought about.

Imagine a guy, young, handsome, doing great in his studies, seeing a great future meets a girl that hangs out with thugs. This controversial relationship soon turns out to be a rough-sailing journey of love and misunderstanding. Parents, teachers, friends, even passing-by strangers oppose of such atrocity. But what's wrong to love someone that you truly love?

Its also the topic whereby people do change, due to influences. The guy would try to woo the "Ah Lian" while constantly being threatened by the "Ah Bengs". The girl feels pity and this sparks a tiny flame in their hearts. Of course the girl would feel pity, it's like being beat up for liking someone. What?! Anyway, this part would be really interesting if written down with all the dialogues and the gentle actions of the girl. Even though an "Ah Lian", she's pretty much still a girl. So the guy asks the girl for her phone number and they started seeing each other out. Subsiquently the "Ah Beng" that went steady with the girl found out and this puts the girl in much danger and threat. Also, this forces the guy to be on his toes and to help the girl out as much as possible.

Then the stress of parents sets in and then teachers finds out and tries to stop the guy from turning down a wrong path in life. Simultaniously, the girl has been influenced by the boy's actions and is leaving the "Ah Lian" side of her and becoming more conscious of her actions. The boy also has become more and more defiant due to all of the controversy, turning him more like an "Ah Beng"

So this pretty much changed the both of them and that seems to be it. I mean, continuing the story is you reader's job, and I am quite lazy to finish it all up though. So thats it!

This might seems unreal but this is merely a figment of my imagination penned down and shared with everyone else in the world.

Anyway, good luck and have a good day.

Penned Out XD

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Alchemy Of Food I

Hi guys, It's been quite some time since my previous post that's pretty much boring, I've come across something that's quite unusual and caught my attention. I've watched an anime called Full Metal Alchemist, and it has a really interesting topic in the show, which is pretty much what the title is about, Alchemy.

From what I know, alchemy is the process whereby people called alchemists try to transmute gold or silver from other elements and also the research of the elixir of life which is believed to give one eternal life which pretty much mean the cure to all kinds of diseases.(This is referring to the actual alchemy practiced, not the anime. And transmutation is the supposed transformation of base metals into gold by the alchemists) Alchemist all over the world failed to do this and it turned out that gave rise to the basis of modern day science called chemistry. Though I believe that some people still practice this old tradition even though technology's been here to stay.

Basically their thoughts and the transmutations in alchemy is based on the four elements they believe that are make up this entire world. The elements are earth, air, fire and water. Also, I just found out that they are really looking for an item called the philosopher's stone which will change a mass of molten lead into the purest form of gold. Some people today still actually try and perform alchemical experiments. Most of these people hope they can make healing remedies, though there are a very few amongst them who still think they can find a transmuting philosophers' stone.

Here's a bunch of examples from household ingredients used in everyday cooking:

Apple, known as the Fruit of the Gods, is a very powerful source of spiritual energy that encourages balance and harmony. The Wiccan Feast of Apples is celebrated on Samhain (Halloween), and in ancient Greece and Rome, apples were eaten at Diana’s Festival (August 13). If cut horizontally, the apple reveals the pentagram pattern, which is considered the gateway to occult powers as well as symbol of the quintessence. The Egyptians offered apples to their highest and most powerful priests, whom they considered guardians of hidden knowledge. In the Middle Ages, sliced apples were used to foretell the future and eating them regularly was said to enable a person to live over 200 years. Modern clinical studies have proved that eating apples reduces cancer risk. [Air] ( APPLE PIE!!!)

Allspice is made from a plant native to tropical America and got its name because its aroma and flavor resemble a combination of various cooking herbs. Considered a lucky spice, it is said to promote health in an individual and prosperity in a family. Allspice is burned as incense to attract money. [Fire +]( The all spice is actually a really important ingredient used in Jamaica cooking if I'm not mistaken and it taste a little like a lot of spices put together, hence the name.)

Broccoli is a type of cabbage grown for its flower heads. It is sacred to the god Jupiter, and the Romans believed it increased physical strength and leadership qualities. A chemical in the vegetable is known to retard cancerous growths in the body. [Water] (Be sure to eat more brocolli to live way longer! XD)

Cinnamon comes from the fragrant bark of an evergreen tree of the laurel family and is thought to increase spirituality and psychic insight by stimulating the Crown Chakra. The tree must grow for eight years before its thick bark is mature enough to be harvested. Cinnamon oil was used in the mummification process by the Egyptians and was applied as a holy anointing oil in ancient Hebrew rituals. Cinnamon was also sacred to the Greek god of ecstasy, Dionysus. When it is burned as incense or added to foods, cinnamon raises spiritual energy to a higher level. The spice is recognized for its healing properties and is used as an antiseptic and painkiller. It is also known to stop diarrhea, lower blood pressure, and increase insulin production. [Fire] (Also a must-have in apple pie!!!)

Honey is one of the oldest foods known to mankind and was gathered well before the cultivation of land. The nectar was sacred to many gods, including the Egyptian sun god Ra and the Greek earth goddess Demeter. Honey is synonymous with happiness and fulfillment, and it is added to food and beverages to emphasize the good mood associated with it. It is used to treat indigestion, colds, flu, and headaches. [Water] (One of my favourite raw food/ ingredient!)

Lettuce was sacred to the Egyptian fertility god Min, because the local variety was phallic-shaped and oozed a milky secretion. In most other cultures, lettuce is associated with female or lunar goddesses. Esoterically, lettuce invokes feminine energies for protection and psychic centering. It was called Sleep Wort in the Middle Ages, because people believed it enabled them to sleep better. Iceberg lettuce is a head lettuce, while romaine and red varieties are leafy and carry more Air Element. [Water] ( Great for sandwiches~)

Onions were worshipped in ancient Egypt for their ability to absorb impurities, and the Egyptians even swore to onions when they took oaths. American colonists hung onions over doorways to protect their families from infectious diseases, and onions are still used in exorcism rituals. Esoterically, onions stand for both physical and spiritual health and protection. Scallions and shallots are green onions with long stems and bulbous roots. Leeks are also a kind of onion. [Fire] (I bet it's all in the fart...)

Mango is sacred to Buddha, and it is considered one of the most spiritually charged and elevating fruits. [Air] (I see why Thailand has so much of these now...)

Sausages and hot dogs carry the power of the meat and herbs out of which they are made, although sausages of all types represent zestful, male energy. [Fire]

Also, there's a large bunch of information that needs to be carefully read before even talking about it so I'll just skip that part 'cause I myself have no understanding what-so-ever. Though I just read something about Chakra in the body and when awakening the right path you'll visualize an appropriate god or goddess-form (Shiva, Mohini, etc. or even succubi & incubi) doing the same, or a lover, or an ‘ideal type’ lover-image making love with you. This is under Alchemy of the Chakra. I think it's about the planets/Greek gods ( Venus, Mars etc.)

Anyway, this is all I have resourced today, and I hope that I'd be able to post more in due time.


Pieces out XD