Thursday, January 21, 2010

Alchemy Of Food II

Hi guys,

Due to Leonard's sharp eyes and great observation, I have found out that I have not included any earth element food into my post last time so this post is going to be all about the earth elemental food. (Also, this just saved my blog from dying)

Barley is the oldest of the Seven Sacred Grains of mankind and was cultivated in Jordan around 10,000 BC. The grain was sacred to various gods throughout India, Greece, Scandinavia, and the Middle East. Esoterically, barley is a gentle, nurturing force that stimulates the Heart Chakra and is used to ease a person’s emotional burden by turning harsh feelings into love and warding off any negativity that originates from other people. Barley grass juice is considered an effective psychological grounding agent and physical energizer. [Earth] (Woooo... Barley is a soul food!)

Blackberries or brambleberries, currants, and raspberries promote wealth and protect from evil. The protective thorniness of their deep-rooted bushes is the plant’s alchemical signature. Blackberry pies are baked for the Wiccan celebration of Lughnasadh (August 2) to protect crops and encourage a bountiful harvest, and blackberry tea is said to protect the stomach from disease. Raspberries alleviate watery complaints such as diarrhea and painful menstruation. [Earth]


Blueberries embody the esoteric principles of calm acceptance, peace, and a protected environment. For centuries, witches have eaten blueberry tarts when under psychic attack to protect themselves. [Earth] ( Blueberry cheese cake!!)

Kiwi is the small, dark-brown fruit of a subtropical vine. The hairy, egg-shaped fruit has a green pulp with a tart strawberry flavor. Kiwis are considered by some native cultures to be plant testicles, and like strawberries, are eaten to encourage physical love and zesty romance. [Earth] (Hairy egg... Hm...)

Mushrooms have been described as vegetable flesh, and like animal flesh, they are eaten to acquire strength and courage. Clinical studies show they boost the immune system and have anti-viral and anti-tumor properties. Because they appear overnight or grow from putrefying organic matter, mushrooms have many superstitions associated with them, and few ancient cultures admitted to eating them. In fact, the mushroom is one of the few foods not mentioned in the Bible. Moreover, many mushroom species are poisonous or produce psychedelic effects that were used by shamans and priests who wanted to keep them secret. [Earth] ( Mushroom Mystery...)

Peanuts provide the reality-based, aggressive energy associated with masculinity. Peanut shells have even been described as vegetable testicles. [Earth] (Weird description...)

Salt represents grounding, protection, and earthly purification. Most salt comes from the primordial sea and was used for thousands of years to preserve food. Salt has always been treated with reverence and was sacred to the Egyptian gods Osiris and Set. Salt spilt from its shaker signifies a breaking of its protective power, which is the why a pinch of salt is thrown three times over the left shoulder to dispel any evil spirits that lurk there. The alchemists saw salt as the creative female force of matter, as opposed to the destructive male principle of sulfur. In both ancient and modern religious ceremonies, salt symbolizes the resurrection of soul. It is used in baptisms to eliminate any vestiges of previous sins. [Earth] (Seems salt is a purifying material!)

So there you have it! Food with the element of earth, the element that roots the principle of stability and foundation in the alchemical world. There is just one element that cannot be found in any periodic table or any textbook. Care for a guess anyone? The answer is the element of surprise!!! XD

Pieces out! XD

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