Saturday, January 9, 2010

Food for Thought Episode 1

Hi guys!

This is a rather special post as this has nothing to do with food but I'd like to call this a new section of my blog, the Food for thought section. Well, this blog is dedicated to food but since I always have this dream of making a story blog, might as well make up a section for thoughts!

I've said that I would be posting up random stories (or rather storylines) that I would think up of. Some may be unreal or unoriginal but I'd still post them up anyway. Your comments would always be accepted with an open mind and open heart. Do feel free to use any of my stories for your own use, I do not really care if anyone copies me. (I don't think anyone would) =)

Anyway, this post has nothing to do with insulting or critisizing the ways of others.

So this is episode 1 of Food for thought.

Well, I've been reading this news article about Singapore's success and the political issues that this nation has, and I came across this really interesting topic whereby the author wrote this :" where the MM (minister mentor) has advocated "assortative mating", the idea that college graduates should marry only other college graduates so as to uplift the national stock"

So I was thinking, should geeks only marry other geeks? This is been proven wrong in many countries and more in movies but it hasn't really been showing so in Singapore. So this story is about this girl and a guy. Obviously if this girl is from a good school and the guy's a dropout, it would seem too boring. So it's the other way around I've been giving much thought about.

Imagine a guy, young, handsome, doing great in his studies, seeing a great future meets a girl that hangs out with thugs. This controversial relationship soon turns out to be a rough-sailing journey of love and misunderstanding. Parents, teachers, friends, even passing-by strangers oppose of such atrocity. But what's wrong to love someone that you truly love?

Its also the topic whereby people do change, due to influences. The guy would try to woo the "Ah Lian" while constantly being threatened by the "Ah Bengs". The girl feels pity and this sparks a tiny flame in their hearts. Of course the girl would feel pity, it's like being beat up for liking someone. What?! Anyway, this part would be really interesting if written down with all the dialogues and the gentle actions of the girl. Even though an "Ah Lian", she's pretty much still a girl. So the guy asks the girl for her phone number and they started seeing each other out. Subsiquently the "Ah Beng" that went steady with the girl found out and this puts the girl in much danger and threat. Also, this forces the guy to be on his toes and to help the girl out as much as possible.

Then the stress of parents sets in and then teachers finds out and tries to stop the guy from turning down a wrong path in life. Simultaniously, the girl has been influenced by the boy's actions and is leaving the "Ah Lian" side of her and becoming more conscious of her actions. The boy also has become more and more defiant due to all of the controversy, turning him more like an "Ah Beng"

So this pretty much changed the both of them and that seems to be it. I mean, continuing the story is you reader's job, and I am quite lazy to finish it all up though. So thats it!

This might seems unreal but this is merely a figment of my imagination penned down and shared with everyone else in the world.

Anyway, good luck and have a good day.

Penned Out XD

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